Accounting 2.0

No paper, but with a system – accounting 2.0

Are you already using your accounting system effectively to manage your company?

There are often countless Excel lists or stand-alone software solutions in use that make it difficult to gain a quick overview. However, up-to-date and valid data on accounts receivable, customer structure, payment targets, inventories and similar are crucial for successful company management.

They also form the basis for negotiations with banks or investors. As a rule, daily or weekly updated accounting figures require a great deal of manual effort and produce high costs. Modern methods of digitalized accounting and useful outsourcing of processes can help to save time and money.

An up-to-date accounting system that integrates relevant operational areas serves as the basis for comprehensive corporate management.

Your Ecovis consultant will help you find the right path for your accounting 2.0.

Interconnected company key figures – faster, more efficient and more transparent

  • In order to manage your company successfully, you rely on powerful tools. Ecovis supports you with consulting services and technology – from introduction to ongoing work. Access to required company data at any time – tailored to the respective users (authorized employees, tax consultants, etc.)
  • Analyses and business-relevant management information at the touch of a button – provided by your trusted advisor in your own system
  • Improvement of internal administration through defined workflows and reasonable outsourcing of processes and work steps
  • As required: customized IT solutions

Your benefit: a comprehensive finance and accounting system – prompt, effective and cost-optimized

Because every company is different, your Ecovis consultant will work with you to develop a fitting approach for your accounting 2.0 – tailored specifically to the needs and requirements of your company.

  • You get an overview: outstanding and paid items, goods or services sold, account movements, stock levels, etc.
  • The aim: a better connection of information within your company (e.g. reconciliation of receivables and payables, current inventory and project status or liquidity planning).
  • You save time and effort by avoiding double data maintenance.
  • Your data is always up to date.

Process – your easy way to the accounting of the future

Corporate management instead of management by bank statement. Switch to accounting 2.0 with Ecovis.

You discuss the current status of your present accounting system with your Ecovis consultant and define the requirements for a new, improved accounting system together.

You will receive a customized solution proposal for your company’s accounting system from your Ecovis consultant.

For more complex questions and entrepreneurial decisions, your Ecovis advisor is always available to you with the full expertise of the entire Ecovis Group.


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Experts on this topic

Bruno Höveler

COO, CTO, Partner und Steuerberater

Sascha Kleinschmidt

Steuerfachangestellter, IT-Administrator, Teamleiter IT

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