ECOVIS KSO tax advice in North Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin

Taxes – the clever way.

Do you consider the tax aspect of everything you do?
For entrepreneurs, most long-term decisions have tax implications. Even in private life, tax effects often follow major changes. You should have fundamental business and private decisions considered against a tax background. This way, we can work together on developing effective strategies. Of course, there are qualitative differences between the tax structure of a corporate group and that of a craft business, but the economic relevance is the same for both. We show our clients the tax options and margins of discretion available to them.

Plan and organize your tax matters with us

We always think from our clients’ perspective. Their requirements are the starting point for the tax planning and structuring that we develop together.
We should share one principle: Tailor-made tax avoidance concepts are our top priority. We do not use tax avoidance concepts. From the tax authorities’ point of view, these are also economically inappropriate and are usually rejected.

Personally well advised with a concept and a sense of proportion

With long-term strategic planning, you will minimize your economic risk. This applies, for example, to securing liquidity or protecting against insolvency.
We provide you with complex services from one single source. Any additional expertise that your Ecovis consultant might need, will be provided by their interdisciplinary Ecovis network. You receive individual solutions and concrete optimization potential, embedded in a constructive tax structuring concept. Everything we do is aimed towards continuity. You will perceive your advisor as a confidant. That is our goal.

What we can offer you

  • Partial or overall tax planning, taking into account your tax burden – both nationally and internationally
  • Consideration of uncertainties, such as indefinite legislation versions
  • Proposed solutions for problematic international or European regulations, such as retroactive legal regulations
  • Drafting of tax clauses in contracts, such as VAT options in real estate contracts or company acquisitions.
  • Enforcement of your tax interests with the authorities, such as leading legal remedies against the tax authorities or legal representation in fiscal court proceedings.
  • Representation in fiscal court proceedings.
  • Optimization of legal form for tax purposes
  • Inheritance and gift tax structuring

What we do for you

Our focus

  • From now on, it will be much easier for you. We post digitally and process your receipts electronically. Is it important for you to have an insight into your company data at all times? The solution is "Unternehmen online", an internet-based platform for document and data exchange for financial and payroll accounting between your company and us.

  • The demands placed on the public sector and its companies are high - and often controversial. On the one hand, they should work for the common good, on the other hand they should be economical and efficient. In addition, the federal and state governments have different problems than local and district administrations, hospitals face different issues than utilities or transport companies.

  • For property owners, the property tax reform will mean a significant increase in administrative work starting January 2022. At the latest, property owners will have to take action upon being asked to submit their assessment declaration(s).

  • Building, valuing, acquiring, financing, managing, selling - real estate companies are faced with a wide range of different tasks during the life cycle of a property. As a given, they bear a high investment risk, as economic success depends on many factors. Among other things, a constantly changing legislation can lead to unexpected cost increases for rented residential buildings. From a tax perspective, the issue of commercial property trading is a perennial issue.

  • Different countries, different taxes. If you are well informed about which rules apply where, you will reduce the risk of becoming liable to prosecution or getting into trouble with the German tax authorities. On the other hand, different legal and tax rules in other countries also open up opportunities for tax optimization. We provide you with the necessary legal certainty.

  • As an entrepreneur and employer, you have to comply with tax, employment and social security obligations in the context of payroll accounting. This can be challenging when you consider the frequent changes to the law. In addition, payroll accounting must function correctly and on time. Maximum precision should also be guaranteed for issues such as data transmission, security and archiving. Otherwise, a social security or payroll tax audit can quickly have unpleasant consequences.

  • For them, a profession is a calling: performing and visual artists, musicians and entertainers, authors and athletes - whether as soloists and individuals, as an ensemble or a team - strive for professional self-realization at the highest level of performance and quality. This demanding goal can only be achieved by concentrating on cultural or sporting activities, combined with constant training and creative exploration.

  • Around half a million companies are established in Germany each year, according to the Institut für Mittelstandsforschung. Unfortunately, almost as many are dissolved in the same period of time, often after a very short time. Fear of potential costs should not deter founders from seeking professional help. But even in the pre-foundation phase, a professional can protect you from nasty surprises or later troubles, such as with the tax office. Often, start-up consulting will even pay off financially for you by attracting funding, such as by optimizing your funding structure. In many cases, counselling can be self-supported.

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Experts on this topic

Stefanie Anders

Partnerin, Steuerberaterin, Fachberaterin Gesundheitswesen (IBG/ HS Bremerhaven), Fachberaterin für Controlling und Finanzwirtschaft (DStV e.V.)

Wilhelm Bollmann

Associate Partner, Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater

Rainer Breitholz

Teamleitung Lohnbuchhaltung

Thomas Budzynski

CEO, CFO, Partner, Steuerberater, Fachberater für Internationales Steuerrecht

Nicole Bültermann

Steuerberaterin, Dipl. Wirtschaftsjur. (FH)

Ann-Christin Büscher

COO International, Partnerin, Steuerberaterin, Fachberaterin für Internationales Steuerrecht

Andreas Claes

Partner, Diplom-Kaufmann (FH), Diplom-Wirtschaftsjurist (FH), Steuerberater

Stephanie Ernst

Prokuristin, Steuerberaterin, Diplom-Finanzwirtin, Fachberaterin für Unternehmensnachfolge (DStV e.V.)

Melanie Gerner

Partnerin, Steuerberaterin, Diplom-Betriebswirtin (FH)

Silvia Hagemann

Partnerin, vereidigte Buchprüferin, Steuerberaterin

Maxim Hauch

CMO, CHRO, Partner, Steuerberater, Dipl.-Finanzwirt, zertifizierter Berater für den Kauf und Verkauf von Unternehmen / M&A , zertifizierter Berater für die Immobilienbesteuerung

Julian Heesemann

Associate Partner, Steuerberater, Fachberater für die Umstrukturierung von Unternehmen (IFU /ISM gGmbH), Diplom-Finanzwirt, LL.M.

Bruno Höveler

COO, CTO, Partner, Steuerberater, Fachberater für Unternehmensnachfolge (DStV e.V)

Akram Juja

Associate Partner, Steuerberater, Fachberater für Unternehmensnachfolge (DStV e.V.), Master of Science, Leiter Unternehmens- und Vermögensnachfolge

Büsra Karadag

Associate Partnerin, Steuerberaterin, Fachberaterin für Internationales Steuerrecht, LL.M.

Stefan Kemp

Senior Manager, Steuerberater, Wirtschaftsprüfer

Sascha Kleinschmidt

Steuerfachangestellter, IT-Administrator, Teamleiter IT

Heinz Kollenbroich

Steuerberater, Diplom-Finanzwirt

Peter Kollenbroich

Partner, Steuerberater, Fachberater für Immobilienbesteuerung, LL.M.

Wilhelm Kollenbroich

Partner, Steuerberater, Zertifizierter Stiftungsberater und –manager (FS), Diplom-Kaufmann (FH)

Nico Kurth

Prokurist, Steuerberater, Bachelor of Arts (Steuerrecht)

Martin Küsters

Steuerberater, Fachberater für Internationales Steuerrecht, LL.M. (Unternehmensteuerrecht)

Johannes Landow

Partner, Steuerberater, Fachberater für Internationales Steuerrecht, Diplom-Kaufmann

Alexander Lejer

Projektleiter Public Services / Fördermittelberatung

Franziska Mans

Steuerberaterin, Bachelor of Arts (Steuerrecht)

Anke Meyer

Prokuristin, Steuerberaterin, Dipl.-Kauffrau

Matthias Meyer

Partner, Steuerberater, Fachberater für Internationales Steuerrecht, Diplom-Kaufmann

Thomas Müller

Associate Partner, Steuerberater, Fachberater für Unternehmensnachfolge (DStV e.V.)

Burkhard Osterwisch

Partner, Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater, Diplom-Betriebswirt

Magnus Petter

Steuerberater, Diplom-Finanzwirt (FH), M.A. (Taxation)

Björn Redeker

Steuerberater, Diplom-Kaufmann

Mirco Ricken

Steuerberater, Qualitätsmanagementbeauftragter, Qualitätsbeauftragter (TÜV)

Meike Ringel

Steuerassistentin, LL.B.

Jeanette Rodegro-Dohrn

Prokuristin, Steuerberaterin, Fachberaterin für Internationales Steuerrecht, M. Sc. (Betriebswirtschaftslehre)

Marcus Sauer

Partner, Steuerberater, Diplom-Volkswirt

Michael Simon

Partner, Steuerberater, Diplom-Finanzwirt

Berit Tilker

Partnerin, Steuerberaterin, Fachberaterin für Zölle und Verbrauchsteuern

Niels Webersinn

Associate Partner, Steuerberater

Nils Weinberger

Partner, Steuerberater, Wirtschaftsprüfer, Diplom-Kaufmann

Georg Wenz

Associate Partner, Consultative Economist, Head of Transfer Pricing

Tim Weyers

Prokurist, Steuerberater, Dipl.-Finanzwirt, M.A. (Taxation)

Julia Wittwer


Tino Wunderlich

Associate Partner, Rechtsanwalt, Steuerberater, Bereich Energiesteuern

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