Real estate taxation

We mobilize the value potential of your property

Building, valuing, acquiring, financing, managing, selling – real estate companies are faced with a wide range of different tasks during the life cycle of a property. As a given, they bear a high investment risk, as economic success depends on many factors. Among other things, a constantly changing legislation can lead to unexpected cost increases for rented residential buildings. From a tax perspective, the issue of commercial property trading is a perennial issue.

In order to mobilize the value potential of real estate in the long term, we provide comprehensive advice and support to real estate companies. Our services range from investment and financing analysis, special real estate asset and income analysis, real estate valuation and real estate-oriented auditing to tax advice and annual financial statements.
With our services in the area of public real estate, we support cities and municipalities with the introduction of municipal real estate management.

In this case, you are well advised to have a partner at your side who understands the big picture. For this reason, we bundle the knowledge of our entire group of companies for you. All of our experts are specialists in their field. For property valuations, you can access additional resources from within the company at any time and call in regional colleagues as required. As a team, they leave no question unanswered. This is an accumulation of knowledge and expertise that you won’t easily find somewhere else and a valuable building block for national and international market knowledge.

100 years of success in the market – companies, local authorities, banks and private individuals worldwide rely on our expertise.

For more information, see our blog:

Experts on this topic

Ann-Christin Büscher

COO International, Partnerin, Steuerberaterin, Fachberaterin für Internationales Steuerrecht

Dennis Bork

Associate Partner, Steuerberater

Franziska Mans

Steuerberaterin, Bachelor of Arts (Steuerrecht)

Julian Heesemann

Associate Partner, Steuerberater, Fachberater für die Umstrukturierung von Unternehmen (IFU /ISM gGmbH), Diplom-Finanzwirt, LL.M.

Jeanette Rodegro-Dohrn

Prokuristin, Steuerberaterin, Fachberaterin für Internationales Steuerrecht, M. Sc. (Betriebswirtschaftslehre)

Maxim Hauch

CMO, CHRO, Partner, Steuerberater, Dipl.-Finanzwirt, zertifizierter Berater für den Kauf und Verkauf von Unternehmen / M&A , zertifizierter Berater für die Immobilienbesteuerung

Matthias Meyer

Partner, Steuerberater, Fachberater für Internationales Steuerrecht, Diplom-Kaufmann

Nico Kurth

Prokurist, Steuerberater, Bachelor of Arts (Steuerrecht)

Peter Kollenbroich

Partner, Steuerberater, Fachberater für Immobilienbesteuerung, LL.M.

Raphael Niederstraßer

Steuerberater, Dipl.-Finanzwirt, M.A. Taxation

Sven Rücker

Associate Partner, Steuerberater, Wirtschaftsprüfer

Thomas Budzynski

CEO, CFO, Partner, Steuerberater, Fachberater für Internationales Steuerrecht

Tim Weyers

Prokurist, Steuerberater, Dipl.-Finanzwirt, M.A. (Taxation)

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