
With us, artists can solely concentrate on their skills

For them, a profession is a calling: performing and visual artists, musicians and entertainers, authors and athletes – whether as soloists and individuals, as an ensemble or a team – strive for professional self-realization at the highest level of performance and quality. This demanding goal can only be achieved by concentrating on cultural or sporting activities, combined with constant training and creative exploration.

Against this background, it is only too understandable that dealing with tax and social security details is perceived as a bureaucratic burden that distracts from the development of skills. Otherwise, there is hardly any other area where the boundaries are so tricky – for example, between self-employed and non-self-employed, freelance and commercial activities or between VAT exemption and obligation. Mistakes here can cost artists and athletes as well as their employers or clients dearly.

As professional advisors and service providers, we take care of the tax, social security and contractual aspects as well as the topic of pensions at the highest level of quality and thus pave the way for the artists themselves.

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