Digitization consulting

Modern accounting – digital, up-to-date, meaningful

From now on, it will be much easier for you. We post digitally and process your receipts electronically. Is it important for you to have an insight into your company data at all times? ? The solution is “Unternehmen online”, an internet-based platform for document and data exchange for financial and payroll accounting between your company and us.

These are the advantages of “Unternehmen online”:

  • The receipts stay with you in-house. You therefore save yourself the extra trip to us or rather the postal charges and no longer have to sort any receipts.
  • Company figures in real time – up-to-the-minute bookkeeping is possible
  • Overview of outstanding payments and open invoices (OPOS)
  • Complete payment transactions directly from the electronic receipt
  • Current liquidity forecast
  • GoBD-compliant cash book
  • Audit-proof archiving of your receipts
  • 24-hour online access to your figures and evaluations
  • Fast document search
  • Pre-entry for payroll accounting
  • Digital personnel file

The process is as simple as this

  • You scan your receipts and upload them to the data center together with the existing digital receipts. This gives us access to your digital documents for further processing in our firm.
  • We check and post your receipts.
  • We also provide you with evaluations for the financial accounting, OPOS, cost accounting and payroll areas via “Unternehmen online”.

Further applications and evaluation options

We can adapt the functional scope of “Unternehmen online” to your individual needs. As soon as your bookkeeping has been converted to digital documents, you can use the corresponding services, such as Payment transactions, controlling, profit and loss, customer, receivables and supplier management.

Which company is suitable for Unternehmen online?

Companies and start-ups without a proper accounting system

You are not a technology expert? No problem!

We support you with the set up in your company. Digitalization won’t change that – we are always there for you on a personal level!

You can access Unternehmen online via this link. Please note that a DATEV SmartCard or a DATEV SmartCard for qualified electronic signatures (DATEV e:secure) must be connected to your computer in order to use it.

Experts on this topic

Bruno Höveler

COO, CTO, Partner und Steuerberater

Marcel Spliethove

Partner und Steuerberater

Sascha Kleinschmidt

Steuerfachangestellter, IT-Administrator, Teamleiter IT

Simon Schwertl

Werkstudent Unternehmensberatung

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