Payroll accounting

Is your payroll accounting 100% correct and organized efficiently? Our payroll competence center can help you.

As an entrepreneur and employer, you have to comply with tax, employment and social security obligations in the context of payroll accounting. This can be challenging when you consider the frequent changes to the law. In addition, payroll accounting must function correctly and on time. Maximum precision should also be guaranteed for issues such as data transmission, security and archiving. Otherwise, a social security or payroll tax audit can quickly have unpleasant consequences.
If you are a little uneasy about any of these issues, you should speak to your consultant. He or she can work out a holistic solution tailored to your requirements.


Payroll accounting, maintaining personnel data, managing annual payroll accounts and fulfilling statutory reporting obligations – all of this has become an extensive task, not least because of the almost annually changing framework conditions.

We can offer you some relief in this respect – for example with

  • Payroll accounting of all kinds
  • Completeness checks of payroll documents
  • Wage replacement and material certificates
  • Calculation of continued salary payments
  • Notifications to health insurance funds, pension funds, tax offices, employers’ liability insurance association
  • Transfer to financial accounting
  • Forecast settlements
  • Processing of personnel-related payment transactions
  • Management of working time and vacation accounts
  • Organization of company pension schemes (by third parties if necessary)
  • Tax-free employer benefits
  • Information on lump sum options
  • Compliance with collective bargaining obligations
  • Assistance with external social security and payroll tax audits

Do you want to outsource your payroll? Come to our partner Lohnworx!

We are official

Experts on this topic

Rainer Breitholz

Teamleitung Lohnbuchhaltung


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