Foundation consultation

Sports and further associations, charitable institutions and organizations

When faced with empty public treasury, associations and charitable organizations are becoming increasingly important for society. Without their commitment in the social sector, many offers of help and assistance would not even exist. However, the initiators and those responsible are often faced with administrative, legal and tax issues for which they need competent support.

Questions such as:

  • What tax benefits apply to volunteers and how are honorary staff remunerations treated?
  • What is the difference between donations and sponsorship?
  • How do I correctly weigh up the interests of the association on the one hand against donors or sponsors on the other?
  • What is the liability of the board and members?
  • What rules apply to accounting?

Ecovis has experts who specialize in the legal, tax and accounting particularities of associations and non-profit organizations. We also work in various networks with local authorities, federal states and political institutions. In order to concentrate our experience and existing knowledge, we form competence centers for specific subject areas. We also offer seminars for employees and volunteers.

With Ecovis by your side, you can ensure that everything runs smoothly with the tax authority and that your association or non-profit organization is well positioned in all administrative, legal and tax matters.

Experts on this topic

Wilhelm Kollenbroich

Partner, Steuerberater, Zertifizierter Stiftungsberater und –manager (FS), Diplom-Kaufmann (FH)

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