International commercial law

Ecovis has offices in 80 countries and a broad network of consultants. This enables us to guarantee the best advice possible, especially in international matters. This applies to

  • International tax law
  • Cross-border transactions
  • International corporate structuring
  • Tax optimization
  • Foreign investments

Your support for cross-border transactions

Cross-border transactions can quickly lead to double taxation and unresolved legal issues. Our experts know the current legal framework and support you in working successfully with partners in other countries. This allows you to maintain an overview of double taxation agreements and transfer pricing regulations.

Illustration zum Thema Gewinnausschüttungen bei beherrschenden Gesellschafter
in der Steuerberatung

Legal advice for companies, that work on an international level

We provide professional advice on the structuring of international companies. In particular, we will assist you with the choice of location and the selection of a suitable legal form. We help you with designing an optimal corporate structure that meets the requirements of your industry and your business activities. We take the legal framework conditions in the various countries into account and support you in implementing your corporate strategy.

Protecting your investments abroad

We provide you with comprehensive support in protecting your investments abroad. We provide you with professional advice on protecting your foreign investments, including tax optimization and advice from our international Ecovis-network. We also support you with questions on international trade agreements and help you to protect your intellectual property relating to your foreign investments. Our experts know the legal framework in the various countries and support you in planning and implementing your investment strategy. With us, you will find the right contacts to minimize unexpected burdens and risks and achieve optimal results for your company.


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