Real estate law

As an interdisciplinary law firm, our expertise in construction and real estate law corresponds with the work of our colleagues in tax consulting. Real estate advice is teamwork for us.
It goes without saying that we cover the specialist areas of tenancy law, property law, construction law and sales contract law. Our clients benefit from interdisciplinary teams with legal and tax expertise.

Your path to real estate – from purchase contract to ownership

We are able to advise you on all legal issues relating to the purchase of real estate. This applies to private and commercial real estate purchases and includes:

  • The drafting of real estate purchase agreements
  • Legal support for real estate transactions.
  • The review of land and real estate contracts.
  • Due diligence checks to minimize risks when purchasing real estate

Competent help with questions relating to tenancy law and commercial leasing

Property damage, terminations, rent increases or even evictions. As a team, we also solve everyday problems of landlords for our clients quickly and simply.

A secure foundation – advice on building law and leasehold issues

We are a reliable point of contact for our clients, whether it is approval procedures, problems with the building inspectorate or questions relating to building regulations.
In addition to traditional building law, we also provide advice in the specialist area of heritable building rights. Our services range from the transfer of the property to the restitution and the leasehold agreement.

Contract management in the context of project development

Large projects in particular involve extensive contracts, the legal structure of which can be crucial. Here too, experience and expertise ensure security and constructive realization.

Experts on this topic

Carsten Meier

Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Erbrecht, Fachanwalt für Miet- und Wohnungseigentumsrecht

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