Transfer Pricing

We protect you from tax arrears

Pricing offers many opportunities, but it also has its pitfalls. This is particularly true for transfer pricing between a German head office and its foreign subsidiaries or branches. There is a risk of high additional tax demands, as tax officials are increasingly scrutinizing what is appropriate and what is not. When it comes to transfer pricing, it is important to ensure accurate, ongoing documentation.

Georg Wenz

Associate Partner, Consultative Economist, Head of Transfer Pricing

Which services we can offer you

  • Review of internal cost allocation and assessment of appropriateness.
  • Development of an internal transfer pricing policy.
  • Preparation and review of viable transfer pricing documentation in accordance with legal standards.
  • Reviewing existing transfer pricing documentation within the company.
  • Preparation of company overviews in the context of intra-group cooperation.
  • Assessment of individual issues relevant to transfer pricing.
  • Arm’s length analyses based on external database evaluations.
  • Evaluation and support of current and future transfers of functions within the group.
  • Contract review and drafting of contracts in compliance with the arm’s length principle.
  • Advice on the documentation process and handling communication with auditors and tax authorities in
  • the event of external audits of transfer pricing documentation.
  • Transfer pricing documentation in the event of disputes, in objection proceedings and via legal action.


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Experts on this topic

Georg Wenz

Associate Partner, Consultative Economist, Head of Transfer Pricing

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