labor law

With constantly new requirements from the European Union, decisions from labor courts and numerous changes to the law in a rapidly developing work market, it is important for us to always keep an eye on new developments.

Remote work regulations and methods, as well as new working time models have not only influenced the work market but also the requirements of employment law. We welcome the innovations and flexibilization and bring them constructively into line with existing laws and regulations in your interests.

Hiring or leasing employees

We draft suitable employment agreements, service or transfer contracts as well as legally effective fixed-term employment agreements. We also review collective bargaining provisions, applicable collective agreements, non-competition clauses, work conditions and individual works agreements.

Facing legal challenges during an employment relationship?

Pregnancy, parental leave, illness, continued remuneration, liability cases, trainings costs, overtime remuneration or secondary employments are only a few examples of cases when legal expertise is required. The obligation to track working hours can bring challenges for many employers as well. But it also presents opportunities. We are happy to draw from our expertise to help you establish legally compliant systems.

Terminating an employment relationship

Warnings, garden leave, downsizing, dismissals with or without notice, dismissal protection suits, mutual termination or settlement agreements – we know where mistakes can be avoided and are happy to support you.

Changes within the company

Transfer of business, insolvency or short-time working – you can rely on our support during difficult times.

Hiring international talent or granting your employees „workactions“ (remote work from abroad)

Our partners in over 90 countries and our experts from the Global Mobility team can assist you with all questions regarding labor law, double taxation and social security law resulting from secondments, business trips abroad and cross-border activities.

Unsere Leistungen

Our services at a glance

  • Employment agreements
  • Mutual termination agreements
  • Service agreements
  • Secondment agreements
  • Dismissals
  • Warnings
  • Hiring out of employees
  • Vacation
  • Time tracking
  • Overtime
  • Collective labour law
  • Garden leave
  • Trainings
  • Secondary employment
  • Social security
  • Wages
  • Employer/employee liability

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