Reorganization and restructuring

The old guidelines included reducing debt and cutting costs quickly. Although this is still present, it is not enough for sustainable and, above all, constructive restructuring. Individual solutions examine every area of the company. All potential vulnerabilities must be uncovered and sustainably improved. This results in tailor-made restructuring concepts with a sense of proportion and empathy. It goes without saying that a company’s economical data is at the top of the priority list. Your restructuring goal is constructive, it is about preserving value, life’s work and jobs.

One-dimensional solutions are not efficient in multidimensional crises

We are convinced that modern consulting in the field of reorganization and restructuring must achieve much more than just ensuring transparency in key business figures. As experts in various disciplines, we offer you a holistic consulting concept ranging from economic analysis to the successful implementation of new approaches.
Your successful company orientation is the main focus of our actions. We work with you to develop a viable feasibility concept and create transparency in the economic facts so that you can demonstrate new perspectives to banks and shareholders. In doing so, we create alignment within the management level and the management team in order to make joint solutions possible.
We do not only help you to get out of crisis situations, but rather support you afterwards. We support you in optimizing your working methods and processes as well as with developing your organization. Our strategic and behavior-oriented concepts prepare your employees for change and motivate them to implement it. We open up spaces for growth and ensure that you achieve your goals sustainably.

1. Classic management consulting

If your company is facing a strategic or even a liquidity crisis, constructive and strategic help is required. With the management consultants at Doehmen Consulting GmbH, you will have the right partners at your side.

In addition to the classic approaches of restructuring consulting, measures to reduce costs or increase liquidity, the Langenfeld-based company’s experience also includes interim management, the realignment of corporate strategy and communication with stakeholders, such as investors.

Doehmen Consulting GmbH has been a subsidiary of ECOVIS KSO since October 2022. Through this cooperation, the interdisciplinary and prophylactic support of entrepreneurial crisis situations is supplemented by legal and tax considerations.

2. Strategic dialog and leadership

Every transformation requires people at all company levels who are prepared to make bold decisions and therefore make the company fit for the future.

The ILAC Consulting team helps you to adapt constructively and quickly to changing conditions. The management consultants actively shape the alignment of your strategic goals within the management team and strengthen leadership skills. Success sprints with your talents integrate know-how in a targeted manner and create a culture, that is willing to adapt, at all levels.

In a strategic dialog, the experienced team around Sabine Maas, Managing Director of ILAC, activates your entrepreneurial adaptability, innovative strength and the skillful management of emotions. The coaches moderate the process and open up options for new business areas and customer access. With our combined competence and various areas of expertise, we offer you an unbeatable overall package and support you exactly where you need us! We are the ideal contact for:

  • Companies affected by economic and strategic crises due to the extraordinary situation
  • Companies that are interested in reorganization and restructuring in order to meet future requirements
  • Companies that want to grow sustainably
  • Companies that want to optimize their leadership skills & communication
  • Companies that want to sustainably improve their performance

What we do for you

Our focus

  • From now on, it will be much easier for you. We post digitally and process your receipts electronically. Is it important for you to have an insight into your company data at all times? The solution is "Unternehmen online", an internet-based platform for document and data exchange for financial and payroll accounting between your company and us.

  • subsidies management When you have to deal with official bodies, things often get complicated, sometimes impenetrable. Without prior knowledge and experience applying for subsidies will get very [...]

  • The old guidelines included reducing debt and cutting costs quickly. Although this is still present, it is not enough for sustainable and, above all, constructive restructuring. Individual solutions examine every area of the company. All potential vulnerabilities must be uncovered and sustainably improved.

We offer these consultancy services:

  • Rehabilitation concepts based on the IDW (Institute of Certified Public Accountants) Standard S6
  • Insolvency administration services
  • Interim management in recovery and restructuring phases
  • Liquidity planning taking into account the specifics of insolvency law (e.g. bankruptcy money)
  • Distressed M&A

We offer you these additional services

  • Quick audits including initial recommendations for action
  • IDW Standard S 11 solvency check
  • Screen certificates according to § 270 d InsO
  • Implementation of immediately effective liquidity measures
  • Product range streamlining
  • Internal and external benchmarking
  • Initiation and support of necessary (re-)financing measures
  • Make or buy decisions/outsourcing
  • Review and adaptation of business models
  • Strategic repositioning
  • Continuation planning
  • Monitoring of operational operations
  • Integrated Financial Planning
  • Vulnerability analysis as part of the insolvency opinion
  • Asset deal
  • Share deal
  • Advice to buyers, especially in crisis-prone companies

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