Tax structuring and optimization

Taxes – but in a skillful manner.

For entrepreneurs, most long-term decisions have tax implications. Even major changes in one’s private life often bear an impact on the tax situation. Therefore, to make strategically structured decisions both in business and the private domain, it makes sense to keep in mind the overall tax background to be able to align them accordingly. Even if there are qualitative differences between the tax structuring options of a corporate group and those of a craft business – the economic relevance is the same for both.

Talk to your Ecovis consultant about your possible tax structuring options and plan the reasonable utilization of your tax options and discretionary scope with their help.

Tax planning and structuring geared precisely towards your requirements

Ecovis offers tailor-made tax avoidance concepts instead of tax evasion concepts, which are economically inappropriate from the tax authorities’ point of view and therefore usually result in rejections.

Among other things, Ecovis specifically provides you with:

  • Partial or overall tax planning, taking into account your tax burden – both nationally and internationally
  • Consideration of uncertainties (e.g. undefined legal versions, problematic international or European regulations, retroactive legal regulations)
  • Drafting tax clauses in contracts (e.g. VAT options in real estate contracts or company acquisitions)
  • Enforcement of your tax interests towards the authorities (e.g. conducting appeals before the tax authorities, legal representation in fiscal court proceedings)
  • Optimization of legal form for tax purposes
  • Inheritance and gift tax structuring

Your benefit: individual tax structuring with a plan and a sense of proportion

  • You minimize your economic risk through long-term strategic planning (securing liquidity, insolvency protection, etc.).
  • You benefit from our experience in dealing with the tax office and tax officials.
  • You enjoy planning and legal certainty because Ecovis provides you with exclusively viable tax optimization concepts.
  • At Ecovis, you receive a complex service from one single source – any additional expertise your Ecovis consultant needs can be obtained quickly and reliably from colleagues in the Ecovis group.

Procedure – design consulting is an accompanying process

Talk to your Ecovis consultant about your tax structuring options in a non-binding consultation.

You will be shown individual solutions and specific optimization potential in a holistic tax-structuring concept.

As part of a long-term collaboration, you will receive ongoing or selective support from your Ecovis consultant and their specialist colleagues.

Assert your tax advantages – with reason and with Ecovis

If you wish, Ecovis can also provide you with assistance and support in any necessary appeals or legal proceedings in order to enforce justified tax advantages for you. To this end, your Ecovis tax advisor works together with specialized lawyers from the Ecovis group.

Possible additional services

Closely linked to the topic of tax structuring are additional services that you can also receive at any time within the Ecovis group.

Ask your Ecovis consultant about the following topics:

  • Company succession
  • Value added tax
  • Legal form optimization
  • company audit
  • Asset planning


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Experts on this topic

Andreas Claes

Partner und Steuerberater

Akram Juja

Partner und Steuerberater

Burkhard Osterwisch

Partner, Vorstand, Wirtschaftsprüfer und Steuerberater

Julian Heesemann

Associate Partner und Steuerberater

Johannes Landow

Partner und Steuerberater

Maxim Hauch

CMO, CHRO, Partner und Steuerberater

Matthias Meyer

Partner und Steuerberater

Marcus Sauer

Partner und Steuerberater

Marcel Spliethove

Partner und Steuerberater

Melanie Gerner

Partnerin und Steuerberaterin

Nico Kurth

Associate Partner und Steuerberater

Nils Weinberger

Partner, Vorstand, Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer

Peter Kollenbroich

Partner und Steuerberater

Silvia Hagemann

Partnerin, vereidigte Buchprüferin und Steuerberaterin

Thomas Budzynski

CEO, CFO, Partner und Steuerberater

Thomas Müller

Of Counsel und Steuerberater

Wilhelm Bollmann

Of Counsel, Wirtschaftsprüfer und Steuerberater

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