tax advice,

legal advice and


at Ecovis Düsseldorf

At Ecovis Düsseldorf you will be personally well advised when it comes to tax advice, business advice, auditing or legal advice. Rooted in the heart of North Rhine-Westphalia, we serve medium-sized family businesses, international corporations, owner-managed businesses, freelancers and private individuals. Team spirit, interdisciplinary collaboration and entrepreneurial thinking are at the top of the agenda at each of our locations.

We offer personal and individual advice:
From formation advice to restructuring, from corporate and real estate law to compliance management.

As part of the economic life of the state capital, we know the importance of digitalization, innovation and progress. We do our part by analysing and optimising your business processes or jointly designing contracts and foreign operations.
We accompany you in your digitization processes as well as in your company succession.

In order to maintain a high quality of advice, we rely on lifelong learning. In our in-house academy we train beginners and professionals. Get to know our team at Ecovis Düsseldorf and experience that good personal advice makes a difference for you too.

Tax advice

ECOVIS KSO Steuerberater & Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co. KG

Grafenberger Allee 297
40237 Düsseldorf

Fax: +49 211-90 86 7 11


ECOVIS Audit AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

Grafenberger Allee 297
40237 Düsseldorf

Fax: +49 211-90 86 7 11

Legal advice

ECOVIS KSO Steuerberater + Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co. KG

Grafenberger Allee 297
40237 Düsseldorf

Fax: +49 211-90 86 7 679



Parking spaces are located directly in front of the Registry and are available in sufficient numbers.

Our team in Düsseldorf

Stefanie Anders

Partnerin und Steuerberaterin

Peter Beckermann

Steuerassistent, LL.B.

Nikolai Bergander

Lohnbuchhalter / Steuerfachangestellter

Rainer Breitholz

Teamleitung Lohnbuchhaltung

Marcus Büscher

Partner, Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht

Aleksandra Curi


Sascha Kleinschmidt

Steuerfachangestellter, IT-Administrator, Teamleiter IT

Fynn Mannheim


Thilo Marenbach

Partner, Vorstand, Steuerberater, Wirtschaftsprüfer, Sustainability Auditor

Sven Spindelmann

Dipl. Finanzwirt, Steuerassistent

Sebastian Raphael Vogt

Prokurist, Head of Indirect Tax, Rechtsanwalt (Syndikusanwalt)

Andrea Weidemann

Dipl. Finanzwirtin

Georg Wenz

Partner, Consultative Economist, Head of Transfer Pricing

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